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      Our Services

Transition Counseling
The transition from independent living to nursing home care is traumatic for many residents and can set them on a course of deep depression and anxiety for the rest of their lives. Often we find that depression, feelings of isolation, worthlessness, and hopelessness pervade their person causing both serious mental and emotional difficulties as well as aggravated anti-social behavior. Our professionally licensed staff are available for transition counseling to identify areas where treatment can help residents regain a healthy mental, emotional, and social standing. We conduct an initial intake assessment and interview to identify and diagnose the mental health of residents. The findings from this psychological assessment and diagnosis are used in formulating an individual treatment plan and are integrated with staff care in monitoring the mental health of residents.

Individual Counseling
We use the individual assessment and treatment plan to chart the course of one-on-one counseling sessions conducted with patients on-site in their own rooms. Our licensed staff delivers psychotherapy treatment plans that are consistent, caring, and progressive. We seek to achieve a reduction in the persistence of adverse mental health by implementing focused counseling that guides the patient through their fears and concerns to a place of affirmation and self-worth. We find that over the course of a treatment cycle the residents come to expect more from themselves, and are more interactive with staff, fellow residents, and family members. And of course while we are on-site we are always available for staff to provide guidance and advice with mental and emotional issues. We find that once staff has seen the value of our services we become an integral part of providing the mental health and well being to the patients.

Family Counseling
We understand and empathize with family members who have faced the difficult decision to place their loved one into long-term care. We know that the guilt, stress and pain of seeing a loved one in despair can become overwhelming. We offer family centered counseling sessions with patients and their families to help foster communication and recovery from guilt, abandonment issues, and disappointment. Our goal is to encourage family members and residents in forming problem-solving approaches for creating a positive mental health environment. We believe the power of loved ones to help residents overcome their fears and regain their feeling of independence in the facility environment is essential to a healthy mind and body for all concerned.

Specialized Programs
We work with administrators and staff to formulate and implement specialized programs such as training, group therapy, and counseling for staff. Our dedicated staff is rich with experience and insight to the mental and emotional challenges faced by nursing home residents and the staff who serve them. We are always available to put our credentials, experience, resources, and motivation to work for you in developing and implementing specialized programs tailored to your needs.


Always thinking of our clients.
We provide a full range of mental health services for residents, families, and staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and continuing care retirement communities.


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